L-8: The Official Short Film
Visit the full L-8 website here:

A multimedia web of interconnected coverage revolves around one insular story about our unnamed girl. A not-so-dystopian look at the trajectory of our feminine freedoms, L-8 captures the internal struggles of one girl’s journey as the rest of the world blabbers on about our girl’s choices-- or lack thereof.
Set in a not-so-distant future where period tracking is state-mandated, abortion is now punishable by death, and reporting abortion suspicions is a lucrative way to earn cash, a young woman follows the cascade of coverage on Texas’ first death-penalty case from the solitude of her bathroom. After falling in love, our girl's cyclical life is abruptly jeopardized as she tries to outsmart the system using an unwilling and potentially deadly source: her own mother.
< $25: mention in the credits
$25: digital thank you card & mention in the credits
$50: Digital thank you card, SoFlow app, mention in the credits
$100: BTS compilation, app, digital card, & mention
$250: BTS compilation, app, digital card, mention, signed script
THE BIG O: $10,000
Executive Producer Credit (individual card in credits)
Individual or Company name on the main movie poster: “brought to you by”
Includes its own tier of sponsorship gratitude in credits (10k)
Will receive 2 social media video ads specially curated for their company
Receive 4 tickets to the Atlanta premiere
Receive a full page ad in our digital playbill at screenings
Recognition on website
Not only would you be promoting a very important message, but you’d be helping Atlanta female filmmakers make their mark. Align your personal or corporate brand with the creatives who are making a difference.
OUR GIRL: $7,500
Executive Producer Credit (individual card in credits)
Includes its own tier of sponsorship gratitude in credits (7.5k)
Will receive 2 social media video ads specially curated for their company
Receive 4 tickets to the Atlanta premiere
Receive a full page ad in our digital playbill at screenings
Recognition on website
SO FLOW: $5,000
Executive Producer Credit (included in group card in credits)
Includes its own tier of sponsorship gratitude in credits (5k)
Receive 2 tickets to the Atlanta premiere
Receive a half page ad in our digital playbill at screenings
Recognition on website
Producer Credit (individual card in credits)
Includes its own tier of sponsorship gratitude in credits (2.5k)
Receive 2 tickets to the Atlanta premiere
Receive a quarter page ad in our digital playbill at screenings
Recognition on website
Producer Credit (included in group card in credits)
Includes its own tier of sponsorship gratitude in credits (1k)
Receive quarter page ad in our digital playbill at screenings
Recognition on website
Producer Credit (included in group card in credits)